My Current Book Collection

Washington, DC, USA
My Current Book Collection

Ever since I posted my Falls Church apartment tour, I receive a lot of comments in regards to my books. We have books basically overflowing throughout my apartment, but I wouldn't have it any other way. I share book reviews on my blog from time-to-time, but I try to limit myself with books and what I keep. This doesn't even include the 2-3 boxes of books I have stored at my parent's house in my old bedroom. I can't even remember some that I have there (wait, yes I do–the entire Twilight series) but maybe the next big move I have when I take those books with me I'll do an updated post like this. For now, I'll just share the books that are in my apartment, which most of them will be un-read because the ones in my parents house I've read already! Some books I do have, just to have, while others I've read more than once. I'm not going to go into detail about every book, but I will break it up and let you know what books I've read and I'm keeping vs. what I still need to read. If you do have any questions about any of the books in my post or any book recommendations for me, drop me a comment down below!

My Current Book Collection
My Current Book Collection
My Current Book Collection
My Current Book Collection
My Current Book Collection
My Current Book Collection

Have Read & Worth Keeping

Need to Read

xoxo, Michele


Michele, One "L". Theme by STS.