With the holidays coming up, everyone wants to get the best deals while shopping. Most of my shopping is done online and I make sure to make the most of my dollar. Some of these include apps, some include plugins for websites and others are things that I do in my everyday life. Here are some little ways that I save money and I'm sharing all of my discount codes with you!

Cash Back Apps // I've shared this tip before but I'll just recap. There are a ton of apps that get you additional cash back on your purchases. Take advantage of those apps and plugins. View that blog post by clicking the link here to see my favorite ones.
Don't Round Up For Gas // I used be that person who round round up my gas bill. If gas was $29.90 I'd keep going and add that 10 cents to my bill. Do you know how silly this is? It's not like you're getting anything else but a couple drops of gas and yet you're spending more money just to round that bill up? That's silly! Just pay the bill and keep that extra change.
Avoid Name Brands // This was another thing I had to learn as an adult, but I realized that I didn't need to buy name brand items all the time. Some brands are more expensive for a reason, but sometimes not. Just compare prices and find out what you like. It's a trial and run time period, but once you figure it out you realize you don't need the name brand milk, or cheese, or paper towels, or ziplock bag.. etc, etc.
Take Advantage of Seasonal Sales // It's also important to take advantage of the holiday sales that are coming up. Black Friday, Cyber Monday and even just the daily discounts that websites and stores have. Things like free shipping and BOGO sales. Keep an eye out for these deals.
Money Into Savings // Does this one sound obvious? It's because it is and it's one that I wasn't following for a long, long time. I just kept all of my money in one place and called it a day. Now, that's changed. I won't say I take 10% from each paycheck like you should, but no matter what I always put money from my paycheck straight to my savings account. It's been a life saver when things come up.
Discount Codes & Coupons // Another easy way to save some money is to coupon. I'm not saying join the "crazy coupon" show, but at least browse around to get a few before making a purchase. If you have a grocery or membership card, most of the time you can get coupons from the store. If you're shopping online check out your favorite influencers or friends to see if they have any discount codes you can use. I have a list of my own discount codes that I'm sharing with you today!
Use my AIRBNB LINK and get $40 off: $40 OFF
Use my UBER LINK & CODE and get a free ride: michelek761ue
Use my FAB FIT FUN LINK & CODE and get $10 off: PUMPKINSPICE
Use my FACETORY LINK and get 7 free masks: 7 Free Masks
Use my BARK BOX LINK and get a free box: FREE BOX
Use my HONEY LINK and get $5 on your first purchase: $5 USING HONEY
Use my DOSH LINK & CODE and get a $5 bonus: MICHELK196
Use my MERCARI LINK and get a $10 off your first purchase: $10 OFF
Do you have any other money saving tips? Share them with me by commenting down below!
xoxo, Michele
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