I know I usually say that the months are flying by, but October did not feel that way, but that's okay because I love this time of year. I loved seeing everyones Halloween costumes, decorations and obviously all of the candy! Something else that happened just last week was my mom's 50th birthday. I spent months planning this and with everyones help we pulled off an incredible party.

October was a much better month for me. September was rocky as I shared, but October I think I was so busy that I didn't have time to wallow around–which helped a lot. Truly, planning my mom's party brought me so much joy... it brought me anxiety and stress... but more joy than anything else. It was because I knew my mom was going to love it and be so happy and feel so special and that's all that mattered to me.
Highs & Lows
Highs: I'm going to say it one more time, the high of this month was my mom's birthday. Do you ever have these moments where you know this is a great memory and you don't want to forget about it? I had several of those moments that day. There is nothing more I love than making my loved ones feel special and happy and I think I did just that.
Lows: Let's just be honest..adulting suckssss. Since September was a bit stressful financially, I've just been working my butt off in October to makeup for that. So my low is that I've been working so much lately and haven't really had any self-care time.
Links I Love
Barbie's Malibu Dreamhouse // Why is this now a thing a short couple months after my two-week California vacation? This is AMAZING and I wish I could visit. Add it to the bucket list.
Kylie Office Tour // We all know that a two-second clip from this video went viral, "rise and shine," but before that went viral I actually really liked the tour. Her aesthetic is just perfect and the office is spectacular and so on brand.
In the Field Podcast // I shared this podcast once before, but I wanted to give a shout-out to an old high school friend. I love seeing people start a creative project, especially people that I know. Make sure you check out "In the Field" podcast where they talk all D.C. sports and especially my boys the Redskins! #HTTR
My Work Page // I recently updated one of the drop down menus on my website and one of those pages is "My Work." This is basically my resume in website form. I'm very proud of my work and I wanted to showcase it all in once place. Check out my work by clicking the link here!
Essential Oil Roller Ball // This came in my Fall Fab Fit Fun Box and I have been obsessed with it. To be honest I don't even know if it works, but I love the idea of putting some essential oil on my wrist and taking a deep breath. It's just a vibe that I have been loving lately.
Lady Gang Podcast // This is seriously my favorite podcast and every episode I listen to makes me laugh. I can't recommend this podcast enough, seriously, go listen now!
Fall Weather // This wouldn't be an October recap without mentioning the lovely weather we've been having. Yeah, there's been some rainy days, but overall I've been enjoying the leaves changing and the chilly mornings.
Spiced Dried Mango // I bought this for the first at Trader Joe's and it instantly became a favorite of mine. I don't know what else to say about it except go get you a bag today.
Diva Laundry Detergent // I had heard so many good things about this detergent from a lot of influencers but I could never justifying spending that kind of money on laundry detergent without testing it first. I was at my mom's one day and she was talking about this new detergent she got and she did smell amazing, but I just knew that this was the detergent I just had a feeling. So when we got back to the house and she showed me this bottle I knew right away I needed to get some! I know it's expensive, but it is so worth it! Her clothes smelt so good and now mine do too!
The Flash // I can't explain my obsession with this show. I think it's the cast, truly, because it's not even like it's groundbreaking writing or directing, most of the scenes are really cheesy actually, it's just that I love this cast and I finally caught up on season 5 and now I'm watching season 6. I seriously think I have a crush on Harrison Wells.. all the Harrison Wells.. of every Earth.
Okay.. not going to lie I was very bad at keeping track of my purchase this month. I did a lot of yard sales and thrifting so it's hard to remember what exactly I got. Also, most of my shopping was for my mom's birthday anyways.. here's what I can remember though, all linked down below!
Diva Laundry Detergent | Black Plastic Hangers | Cinnamon Broom Sticks | Classic Winnie The Pooh Books | Polaroid Film | Polaroid Calendar | Homesick Pennsylvania Candle | Candle Warmer | High Maintenance Room Spray | Neiman Marcus Grey Sweater | Threshold Set of 4 Shot Glasses (Similar) | The OC Season 4 DVD Set | IKEA Lysing Street Scene by Tom Frasier Artwork | Cornell Crewneck Sweater | Boston Proper Knitted Cardigan With Leather Details | Kohls Elle Marshmallow Cardigan | Land's End Tan Knitted Cardigan | Massimo Dutti White C'est L'hiver Sweater
I hope you all had a wonderful October too! Can't wait to see what November has in store for me.
xoxo, Michele
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