I am a firm believer in you should treat yourself. Every little victory should be celebrated. If they're not then what was a the point? Sometimes I just come home from a hard day of work and need to treat myself.. why???... because I sat through 8+ hours of bullshit and need to remind myself that I'm awesome. A misconception with treating yourself though is that people think this means drop thousands of dollars on a purse or pair of shoes... uh no. This simply means to do something for yourself. Here are some of my favorite and very inexpensive ways to treat yourself.
1. Get a Sweet Treat // You and I and everyone else in this world, watches what they eat or is on a certain meal plan. That's all well and good, but sometimes you need to just treat yourself with a literal treat. Ice cream, coffee, cookies or whatever your guilty sweet treat is. Every time Omar and I go to the mall we always get a box of chocolates from Godiva. We survived Tyson's Mall.. that deserves a reward.
2. Bubble Bath & Face Mask // This very much follows under the new trend of self-care, but there is something about getting into a steamy hot bathtub with Epsom Salt and put a face mask on. I'll put Netflix on my laptop, light a candle and maybe even indulge in some of that Godiva chocolate I was talking about. It is a serious vibe, trust me.
3. Take a Walk // This sounds... odd, but whenever I have been working towards something, most of that time the task was indoors. I feel like the day goes by so quickly, especially working a full-time job, I'm inside all day. There is something so refreshing about taking my dog (Oliver) for a long walk outside after work. The fresh air hits my face, I'm getting some exercise in and I'm just at peace. Maybe you enjoy hiking or taking a certain workout class. All of this can fall under the same category. It's just getting those endorphins kicking and relieving some stress that you might have.
4. Shopping // Okay, okay. I know what I just said.. you don't need to spend a lot of money to treat yourself and I meant that. You don't need to spend a lot, but since everyone's budget is different you can spoil yourself a bit. I personally love Target and TJ Maxx. You never know what you're going to find when you walk in that store so grab a Starbucks coffee and walk around your favorite store. Even if you don't buy anything, you can add some things to your wishlist.
5. Have Yourself a Day // This is probably the easiest way to truly treat yourself. Tell everyone you're busy on [insert a day here] and have yourself a day, hunny! Light all the candles in the house, binge watch your favorite show, wear pajamas all day, do a face mask, cuddle with your dog, order takeout... do whatever YOU want. This is your day to relax and to lounge. We get so caught up with going, going, going we don't really take time to just stop. This is your time so take advantage of it.
xoxo, Michele
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