September 27, 2017
For those of you who have been keeping up with my crazy life, you know that I recently accepted two jobs. They're both Monday through Friday jobs, but they definitely keep me busy. I work between 45-50 hours a week and on deadline week I work even more than that. My schedule consist of me waking up at 5:45AM and going to sleep around 10:00PM. Then I wake up and do the whole thing over again. I'm not complaining though, I love my jobs and I really love the paychecks at the end of the week. It can be hard sometimes though when the group message is going off with what the plans are for that night, because I can't always commit to it. A lot of my friends are still in school so their work schedule is a bit more flexible than mine, but that doesn't mean that I don't make time for my friends and family.
The first step is to prioritize. I take my agenda EVERYWHERE with me. It's my life line and keeps me on track to getting everything that I need to get done for that week or even month if it's planned out that far in advanced. The first thing I do is write down all of my work hours and then I fill in any appointments I have such as doctors, dentist, etc. Those to me are the most important parts of my week. I also keep a finance log in my agenda that breaks down what bills I owe that month and how much is owed, but that doesn't really interfere with my schedule. If you ever want to see how I organize my agenda leave a comment down below! The next thing I will do is fill in any important dates such as birthday's or celebrations that I know I need to be there for. After all of the major things are filled in for that week I will try my best to plan things to do on the weekends. I love having my Sundays to run errands and get all of the things I need to get done before my work week starts all over again. That means that my Friday and Saturday nights are for my friends and family.
Depending on how I'm feeling that night or if there's anything else going on, my friends and I will usually do a late dinner or go bar hopping that night. Going out to the bars isn't something I do every weekend. It's not good for my body, my wallet, or my feet. You try walking around in DC in heels! However, it's always a lot of fun whenever we do go out all together. You can always count on someone making you laugh, someone making you cry, and someone getting a bit too intoxicated. The best part of this is that you always know what to expect, which means I know the day after is a lazy day. I will lounge around and rejuvenate from a fun filled night and an exhausting work week. My lounging days will usually consist of a face mask, taco bell, and reality television. Since my mom has off on the weekends this is usually our time to catch up and hangout. I love days at home just hanging out with the family. You can usually catch me watching The Real Housewives with my mom or watching football with my dad.
Another way my weekend will usually go is having some planned things to do. For instance, If there was an event going on that weekend or that Omar and I were going to the Redskins vs. Eagles game. If I have things planned out I can do other things around it like running errands or going out to lunch to catch up with others. There are other times where I specifically leave certain weekends open, because I just want whatever is coming to come. I know never know when Rocio is going to want to go to the mall or my grandma needs to go on a Starbucks run. I like having days where I don't know what to expect, because I always know what to expect Monday through Friday, it's nice to just go with it sometimes.
I also plan my blog posts as much as possible. Blogging takes up a lot of time - more than you would possibly think. Having it planned out when to start writing, when to edit, when to take the pictures, when to hyperlink everything and when to post it helps me out tremendously. I try to not overbook myself with blogging and just get them done whenever I can. If I start to stress about it, it becomes less fun and that's the whole reason I do this. It's fun to me! It's my creative outlet outside of everything else. Another way I keep my mind sane from a crazy week is working out. I used to have a lot more free time to workout, but now it seems like I only get to go to the gym on weekends or once or twice throughout the week. It honestly really depends on what my day is like and how much it takes out of me. However, I do try to go as often as possible and I feel so much better when I do. Besides going to the gym I also meal prep. My guilty pleasure is my Starbucks coffee I get every morning, but besides that I eat pretty healthy. It's important to do so when you're as busy as I am. It saves me from spending money on fast food and of course stops me from eating fast food! I don't meal prep as intense as others do, because I don't want to eat the same thing every day. I meal prep to save time and to be healthy. I don't plan out what I'm going to cook Sunday nights, I just cook whatever I have access to or what sounds appetizing to me that day. Most of what I make is rich and Morning Star vegetarian chicken or steak. This really does saves me time and money throughout the week and I highly recommend this process if you have the time!
Another way to balance my work and social life is social media. I can't explain how crazy it is that I used to create MySpace codes just for fun, but still had to use dial up Internet to talk to my friends on AOL Instant Messaging and nowadays my friends are just a few clicks away. Being in group messages is a great way to stay up to date with your friends even when you're not physically with them. When I was in North Carolina the group message with everyone was my way of staying in touch even though I was never there with them. It makes time go by for when you actually do get a chance to all hangout together and it's as if you haven't missed a beat, because you've been in contact with them all along.
Most importantly, just make time for yourself. Don't stress about everything that has to get done or things you don't want to do. It's okay to say "no" sometimes. Your friends will still be your friends at the end of the day. Sometimes, you just need a break. You don't have to constantly be on the go-go-go. Take a breather and chill out. Having a clear mind is the most important thing when preparing to start a new week.
I hope this helped! What are some tips that you have for balancing out your two worlds?
xoxo, Michele
September 14, 2017

Something that I really love is trying new things and being able to document those experiences as I do them. I have learned to overcome being embarrassed of taking pictures in public and having people stare at me as I do them. Maybe that's because I know how to Photoshop them out of my background, but I love finding new places to take pictures at, new restaurants to eat at, and new places to just explore. That's why I have no shame when it comes to being a tourist in my own town. Who cares what people think of you? As long as you're having fun, that's honestly all that matters.
The first thing to do is to research. It's not that hard, all you have to do is Google "events in (insert your city)" and a ton of links will pop up! You can even grab the local newspaper or magazine and you'll see a ton of events, festivals, concerts, and so much more. That's it. That's all you have to do. Then grab a friend or two, your camera, and head out. My mom and I really like attending events that are dog friendly. It's not only great exercise for the pups, but it's fun for us too. The Fairfax (festival) was a fun and random event my mom and I did this past summer and it was honestly one of my favorite days. I love spending quality time with my mama and doing so while eating some really good truck food and getting free things from vendors is just a bonus. When Omar and I lived in Jacksonville, NC our plans for the 4th of July got ruined by the rain. However, there was a free concert called Base Fest on base. Plus, we actually knew who was performing so we knew it was music we were going to like. Even though our plans were ruined we didn't let that stop us from having a great time.
If you're just trying to think of things to do a slow weekend then think about things you enjoy doing, but haven't done in a while. Horseback riding, pick up soccer, shooting? Whenever my brother comes home I can always count on making a trip to the shooting range. It's one of my favorite activities and before you know it you've killed a whole day and worked on your aim. Needing a more fun date idea for that night? You can never go wrong with Dave and Buster's. It's the adult Chuck-E-Cheese, what's not to love?
Needing to get outside for the day? If you live close to water then that's the best activity to do when the weather is nice. Omar and I lived forty minutes from the beaches and whenever the sun was out and we were both off of work we would always go for a Jeep ride on the beach with Oliver. If you live close to a lake or river, that's also a really fun adventure to take with a group of friends. Cliff diving is also so much fun if you live in the right area. Just be safe folks! Since I live in Virginia we have a lot of great hiking places. Again, all you have to do is search "the best places to hike in my area" and you'll get a ton of results.
What about food? Sick of eating Chipotle every other day? My favorite thing to do is to go on Instagram and look up different restaurants in the area. I swear I have a ton of book marked places I want to eat for when I travel. Why not book mark ones in your area too!? Find some unique places to eat. Those hole in the wall restaurants that don't get enough attention. Those are always the best finds.
After you have what you want to do, may it be an event or just a new restaurant for lunch, it's time to enjoy it. Dress up in a super cute outfit, take some nice photos and invite some really good company. Let all of the other stresses go and just enjoy it. Be in the moment and stay off your phone (unless you're taking a picture of course). It's important to just enjoy it. When you go on vacation you're not constantly on your phone are you? You're taking in the beautiful scenery, enjoying what's around you. Do the same here. Who cares if you're only twenty minutes from your home? It's still a new day and you're trying out a new experience. Take pictures, eat the food, and take it all in. It'll be worth it, I promise.

xoxo, Michele
September 11, 2017

I graduated from Old Dominion University in May, but that doesn't stop me from showing off my Monarch pride. I got super lucky that my school colors are different shade of blue so it made pairing these two items together perfectly. What's great is that you can wear this outfit to any game day! Just pair your favorite jersey or college shirt with a pair of jeans, boots, and the perfect puffer vest. Comfy, cute, and of course warm!!

What's your favorite game day outfit?
xoxo, Michele
September 10, 2017

Some of the these are narrowed down to the specific area that I live in, but that doesn't mean there aren't other events like this in your area. If you have any other suggestions for fun things to do this season leave me a comment down below!
One. Pumpkin Patch // I figured I would start with an easy one, but pumpkin patches are so much fun! Especially if you go with friends and family. Some places will have more than just pumpkins- like Cox Farms in Northern Virginia. This is one of my favorite traditions to do with the family. They have food, shopping, and goats!
Two. Drive Thru Movie // I used to go to the drive thru movies with my cousins in Pennsylvania when I was younger and I always loved it, but they're basically extinct now. Luckily I found one in Stephens City, and I'm dragging Omar with me to one. Nothing like watching a scary movie from the back of a pickup truck!
Three. Photo Shoot // I feel as if I say this for every season, but the fall time really is the perfect time to get your friends together for a photo shoot. Between all of the leaves changing colors and the perfect weather, this is definitely the right time to update that profile picture.
Four. Apple Picking // This can be a really cute and inexpensive date idea! Plus, it's also a great background for a photo shoot. Then you can use the apples to make a delicious fall treat, because apples just taste better dipped in chocolate and caramel.
Five. Bonefire // There is nothing better than a chilly night by the fireside. Friends, drinks, smores, and big comfy blankets... just trust me, this is a must.
Six. Black Friday Shopping // This has slowly become one of my favorite things to do in November. I don't go crazy like other people though. I enjoy the night. I get my Starbucks and roam from store to store. People watching is so entertaining and if I happen to get a few discounted items along the way I can't really complain.
Seven. Hiking // I am always down for a good hike, but the fall time is the best time to do this. It's not too hot, not too cold, but just right. It's a great workout and the spectacular view is always worth it.
Eight. Creative Projects // If you're like me and have a whole Pinterest board dedicated to DIY's then this is the time to actually do them. Make that fall DIY or start your bullet journal. Whatever it is you've been wanting to do, make the time and do it.
These are just a handful of things that you can do this fall, but of course there's so much more. What are some items on your fall to do list? Let me know by commenting down below.
xoxo, Michele
September 06, 2017

I can't believe how quickly the summer has flown by. It feels just like yesterday Omar and I were setting off to Vegas and now it's Labor Day Weekend! To celebrate the end of summer our friends came down for an epic last beach weekend for the summer.
It was actually exactly a year ago when my friends came down to North Carolina to keep me company while Omar was on deployment. Now, it's the last weekend before Omar and I move out and it just made sense to have everyone come down one last time. It's a good thing half of the apartment was packed up too, beacuse I don't know where anyone would have slept!
I promise you, no matter where you are in life or what you are going through, having a few days with your friends can help you escape all of the stress. I'm not even close to where I thought I would be at at this point of my life, but it's comforting to know that I have amazing people behidn me every step of the way.

Thanks fam for coming down for a great beach weekend!
xoxo, Michele
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