August 22, 2015
It's been a long six and a half months but the boyfriend is finally back home from deployment! After being home for about 48 hours I headed down to North Carolina to pick him up! I was so excited to be reunited with my best friend and to be spending a whole week down there just us two. After he got off work on Thursday we headed back home for the weekend. He got to hangout with family and the bros and we even made a day trip to Lake Anna. It was such a nice weekend and I'm so so so happy to have him back. You really don't know how much you appreciate someone until you have a billion miles put in between you two. Welcome home babe! Glad you're back!
August 10, 2015
It's time to say good-bye to one of my new favorite cities. I had a great mini-vacay and saw a lot thanks to my awesome tour guides (thanks Javi & Renee!). Now it's time to head back to Virginia and start my new semester of school, find a new job, and sadly find a new car. This summer has thrown some major ups and downs at me, but I've knocked them all out of the park. At the end of the day as long as what you are doing makes you happy then all of the chaos that comes with it is worth it.
Thank you Bloguettes, thank you Phoenix, thank you San Francisco, you've made this journey quite memorable.
August 09, 2015
I've had a blast since being in California and I never knew that San Francisco had such a city life to it. It's so much fun to be able to walk around the city and see all the different tops of shops that they have that's different from the East Coast. I have to say, Castro St. is my favorite so far... it's just so colorful!
August 08, 2015
August 07, 2015
This trip was exhausting! I drove 12 straight hours to San Fran and made it there right before 10:30PM! To say Lumpy & I were exhausted would be an understatement. Also, I thought there would be more exciting things along the way, but it was all dessert. The most interesting thing we stopped at was the General Patton Museum. Besides that, we shared some nachos, sang to songs, and enjoyed the view!

Today's the day! I am off on my mini-ish road trip to California. I've got Lumpy to my left and goldfish to my right- there's no stopping me now! Well, that and also my flight home is from the San Francisco airport so I gotta get there somehow right!?
August 06, 2015

With my favorite state being ridiculously in arms reach of me this summer I decided to take the last 5 days to travel to California before I head back East. I've done the calculations and seeing as how I will be leaving from Chandler, AZ and heading to San Francisco, CA I've got a bit of a trip ahead of me. An 11 hours and 10 minutes trip to be exact, but who's counting? Since I will have my travel companion, Lumpy, with me I figured I better make use of the 5 days I have ahead of me. That is why I am super excited to announce that I will be going on a Mini-ish Road Trip to California this tomorrow! Leaving bright and early Friday morning and heading to see one of my oldest friends on the West Coast. What is there to do on the way though? I mean I know I'll have to stop and get gas and food once or twice but what if there's a bomb ice cream shop or a cool mountain on the way? I need to be prepared. I am preparing the best way that I know how, by downloading apps to help me along this crazy adventure. I've done my research and found the best apps to help me make the most of the long road that is ahead. Here is what I found:
Interning for Bloguettes has completely changed me. It reminded me to never stop being creative and to always pursue my dream job. I loved everyone I met this summer and learned so much. I even had to survive in a brand new state not knowing anyone! It was a rough start with the car accident and all, but I'm so glad I stuck through it. I couldn't have imagined my summer going any differently.
"Earlier today I had to say goodbye to hands down the best group of girls I have ever worked with. I can't believe I was surrounded with some of the most creative, talented, determined, and brilliant people this summer. I can't wait to take what I've learned from this internship and put it towards my future. Thanks for being my home this summer Bloguettes and I know this isn't goodbye, it's a see you later."
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