June 30, 2021
June was a busy month to say the least! We were moving but also our summer weekend jobs had started. I felt like the beginning of June kind of went by in a blur, but the second half of June was so much fun! So many wonderful things happened and I felt like my summer was truly starting to begin.
Highs: There were quite a handful of high points this month I almost don't know where to start. I scored in one of our soccer games and had an assist in the same game. It was so thrilling!! Oh, I saved a bird's life! Okay that sounds dramatic, but it's true. I was walking Oliver one day when we came across this bird in the middle of the road. It was still moving but it had blood coming from it's mouth and its leg was all crooked so I assumed it was broken. Luckily, it wasn't a busy road so I called animal control and was able to move the bird to a box for animal control to pick him up which they did and told me the bird was safe. Ugh my heart was so happy when I found out š„ŗ. My best friend got engaged!! I was honored to be asked to photograph the engagement and I am so happy for them. And my other best friend asked me to be apart of their wedding next year š. So many great things to look forward too!!
Lows: Okay, the most adult answer would be that my low point is that we are officially moved out of our Tyson's Corner home. I'm so sad to not have our own apartment anymore, but I know that there is an end goal in mind after this summer, so my boyfriend and I are buckling down and saving every last dollar! So, yes, not having our own place is a low, but the end goal will be a high point in the near future! But really, I'm super bummed because I lost one of my favorite earrings! My grandma got me this pair of earrings from Adina's Jewels last year for Christmas and I've worn them everyday since...except near the end of June one fell out and I haven't been able to find it so now I'm super upset and my ears feel naked without my everyday hoops ☹️.
June 27, 2021

I'm a couples months late, but as you know the second half of my spring time was a bit chaotic to say the least. Nonetheless, enjoy my spring time in snapshots!
It has officially been over a year since I started working from home due to the COVID-19 Pandemic that swept our world in little than just a few months. I figured this would be the perfect time to reflect on what is has been like working from home since my office has fully re-opened and we are planning to go back in just a couple weeks. This isn't an opinion piece on what I believe about COVID-19 or anything like that, just what I've learned about myself working remotely and spending a lot of time inside my home (and my mind) the past year.
Working from home is the best thing for my wallet. Say what you will, but I have saved so much money on driving alone. My insurance was discounted because I wasn't driving as much, I wasn't spending nearly as much on gas and repairs and truthfully I haven't driven my actual car in over a year. I've been mostly driving my boyfriends since it's better on gas and well...nicer. Whether you have to pay for a commute, tolls, gas..whatever it is.. you instantly save so much money by working from home.
While we're on the topic, no more spending money on work clothes. Sure I bought more lounge clothes this year, but sweatpants are cheaper than dress pants. I am miserable just thinking about wearing a bra and pants again... like actually makes me want to cry š¢.
My patience has grown. Or better to say, I'm able to release my frustrations a lot quicker behind a computer screen. Maybe this is a bad thing because I'm going to have to control my face when I go back into the office, but I love being able to step away from my laptop after a meeting and letting out a big sigh. Or even going to my boyfriend to vent. There's something to say about releasing the stress at that moment, instead of after an hour long drive back home and then letting it out. It sits with you the rest of the day, but at home I let it out and I'm over it in a matter of minutes.
I'm happier. My surroundings are my surroundings. I work in a basic office with florescent lightings and windows that don't open. But in my home I can open windows, I can switch between my couch or a desk, I can work outside, I can work from my mom's house... whatever I want to look at for the day I can look out. I can have natural lights or artwork in front of me. I can listen to music or watch tv. I am at peace 100% of the time.
I know a lot of you want me to say that I've saved money by not eating out as much but that's not true. Maybe it is for you and I'm happy, but for me..it's just not. On the plus I haven't spent more money on takeout...so there's that.
I get more done. This may not be the case for everyone and I get that, but my job has a lot of pointless meetings like all the time. I don't just mean department meetings I mean the entire building goes to these monthly, quarterly...sometimes super random weekly meetings where they give us announcements that do not pertain to anything that has to do with me or my job and quite frankly could have been an e-mail. I don't like wasting my time because yes I only work a certain amount of time so if you're going to waste my time with an hour long meeting it better actually be worth my time..and in my case and my job..it's usually not. Don't forget the constant distractions of people coming in and out of my office to talk. It's awkward when someone is lingering at the door telling you about their weekend and all you want to do is finish the task at hand. Or the fact that lunch is an hour of my day and it's unpaid.... I WOULD RATHER GO HOME EARLY THANKS! This part is just a rant...but overall I get so much more done throughout the day and I never log off for the day with a long to-do list for the next.
I'm more in-tune with my mental health. I never thought I was someone who needed to figure my mental health out, but this year taught me more than anything I really did. I always try to work on it, but when you work as many hours as I do a week, commute as long as I do all you want to do when you get home is lay in bed. But with all this free time (thanks to not commenting 10 hours a week) I was able to really develop tools that are good for my mental health and anxiety. I started journaling, researching therapeutic resources and tools to utilize and I'm able to spend quality time figuring out what is important to me and what isn't and cutting out the things that are not.
Which leads me to my number one reason why I believe working from home this past year has been a positive thing in my life: my animals. My dog Oliver is my whole world and I always make a point to take him for long walks, give him treats and make him feel special. I sometimes really resent how much time is dedicated to a job (any job, not this one in particular) because that time is taken away from my dog. So yes, I am that person who would not go out on weekends to spend quality time with my dog and I will continue to be that person without any regrets. I also got a pet hamster during quarantine and I have loved doting on him and taking care of him during this time. It absolutely breaks my heart knowing that in just a few weeks my time with them will be cut in half again. Luckily, my boyfriend works from home full-time so they won't be alone all day, which makes me happy because I'm pretty sure my dog is going to have some anxiety being away from me after all this time.