Now that I'm an adult, as most of my readers are, it's no surprise that you have to work for a living now. Working is great! I'm actually so happy I'm done with school and starting a career of my own. Here's the thing though, you work Monday through Friday which means a lot of other things that need to get done (doctor appointments, grocery shopping, working out, etc) can start to fall by the waist side. It's important to find a work and social balance, sure, but it's also important to play hookie every now and then. I'm not saying to make this a habit, but every few months I take a PTO day to have a 'Get My Life Together Day' and you should too.
I work full-time. Which means 40 hours a week Monday-Friday. It can be exhausting after a long day and all I want to do is eat Taco Bell and curl up into bed with my dog. I understand that feeling, trust me I do. It's important to have a work and life balance though. It's not just important, it's healthy. Make time for yourself, for your family and anything else that needs to get done before bedtime.
However, sometimes things can't be done after 5 p.m. on a Tuesday. Such things like doctor's and dentist appointments, an oil change or even everyday errands that would be so much more convenient to get done during the day, but you can't get to because you're at work. Sure you could go during your lunch break or come in late that morning, but it's such a hassle. About every six months I like for all of these things to fall on the same day. I schedule all of my appointments, have a to-do list in hand and take a PTO day to quite literally 'get my life together.'
I don't postpone all of this until one major day, some of these things have to get done prior to that, but for the most part it's good to take a day (usually a Friday) to get reorganized and be productive about getting things done. You feel refreshed and ready to take on the next few months now that these adult tasks are out of the way.
I understand not everyone is in the same situation as I am and maybe this doesn't apply to you, but you need to understand if you are it's okay to take a day for your self. That's why it's called PERSONAL TIME OFF. It's personal and you need it. I get everything on my to-do list done. I go to the store, take care of Oliver, take care of myself, take care of my car, pick up dry cleaning, prescriptions, go to the gym, clean the apartment.. literally anything that needs to get taken care of it does on this day.

This is how I choose to do a 'Get Your Life Together' Day, how do you handle yours? Any tips you'd like to share? Leave a comment down below.
xoxo, Michele