We spent all day on the boat- swimming, tubing, pushing each other off the boat and then when we would dock we would have a huge dinner with all of my family who also owns property right next to us. After dinner the "kids" or rather not the parents goof off and drive the golf carts (which we upped with four wheeler wheels) and go off roading in the woods. I may or may not have accidentally tipped over the golf cart this time. After we've had enough adrenaline rush in the woods we would come back to camp for a bonfire and s'mores. That night we all decided to go for a night swim off the dock. Ending the night sleeping in tents, looking at the gorgeous stars, and talking for countless hours with some of my best friends in the whole wide world.
Lake Ana is such a good vibe. We always have a good time no matter the time of year. It's got zero to little cell phone service so no one can bother you. We always have company in our little neck of the woods and you can't help but to feel free when you're on the lake.
What did you do on Memorial Weekend?