I love to read books by my favorite celebrities. It's like another glimpse into their fabulous life somehow and it always intrigues me. I picked up 'Scrappy Little Nobody' by Anna Kendrick about a year ago and I'm finally getting around to reading it. I really enjoy this book so far, because I think Anna Kendrick is so funny and I love to see how hard someone has worked to get to where they are today. It's actually quite inspiring. If you like Anna Kendrick then you will love her story!
What is the book about?
It's an autobiography by Anna Kendrick. It's about her life and how she got into acting and basically became famous. Except, it's written by her, so it's in her voice and all of it's wonderful sarcasm. Every page has made me laugh so far, especially as she talks about her pre-teen years. It's hilarious!
Who would enjoy this book?
Anyone who loves Anna Kendrick would love this story! Like I said, it's written by her, so if you love her acting and have watched some interviews you already know what to expect.
Is this a love story?
I have yet to get to a chapter that talks about dating. To be honest, I'm not sure if she even talks about dating in here, because it's about her career and how she never gave up on her dream. So, no, this is not a love story.
How long is the book?
This book has X chapters in it. Anna Kendrick does talk about her life before she started acting and one of her first movies (and one of my personal favorites) CAMP and obviously, she talks about Twilight and Pitch Perfect. Again, if her life doesn't interest you though, you may not like it.
Why did I want to read this book?
I love Anna Kendrick! She is hysterical and I can watch interviews of her all day long. She's had some pretty amazing roles and even though I love Pitch Perfect, I always knew the girl could sing. I fell in love with the movie CAMP at a young age and it stuck with me all this time. Of course, I didn't know who Anna Kendrick was at the time, but after watching Pitch Perfect I had re-watched CAMP and it was like a light bulb went off. I was stunned to see her at such a young age, killing it on stage. I was very impressed and when I just realized how many movies I love that she has been in, I knew I wanted to pick up her book. I mean, the girl can do no wrong.

This auto-biography is complete with personal and behind the scenes pictures and it's a pretty easy read. It was a pretty hefty book, so again, if you don't like Anna Kendrick then... well.. what's wrong with you? Let me know if you've read or are reading 'Scrappy Little Nobody' by Anna Kendrick and let me know what you think by leaving a comment down below.
xoxo, Michele