It's the end of the month which means I'm sharing my monthly Amazon purchases. Maybe one month will go by and I won't buy anything on Amazon... but I seriously doubt that. One of my new favorite features on Amazon is that you can do bulk ordering and monthly subscriptions for a discounted rate. Which means I don't need to stress when I start to run out of this stuff, because it'll be delivered at my door before I know it! Most of these items are home essentials, but hopefully there's some fun stuff in there for you to enjoy.
Blue Buffalo Wilderness Dog Food | 240 ct Dryer Sheets | Cottonelle 48 ct Toliet Paper | 96 ct Tide Pods | Downy Unstopable Scent Booster Beads | Baby Wipes | Glade Automatic Spray Refill Cans (Pack of 2) | 24x36 in Poster Picture Frame | 3 Pack iPhone Chargers, Various Sizes | Q-Tips | Tide To Go Sticks 3 Pack | Candle Warmer | Gold Star Choker Necklace | David Yurman Dupe Bracelet | Neutrogena Hydro Boost Moisturizer
xoxo, Michele