Welcome to Michele, One L

Washington, DC, USA

New City, New Blog Look

I have been wanting to update my blog website for quite some time but between a full-time job with an hour-long commute, multiple side jobs, and moving to a new state (šŸ‘€)...I've been a bit busy and my blog has definitely been on the back burner. Nonetheless, that has changed and I'd like to introduce Michele, One "L" 2.0!

The new theme is from a sweet Etsy shop owner Berenica who helped customize my new layout to be exactly what I wanted. Definitely recommend checking out her Etsy shop if you’re looking for a new blog template.

I wanted Michele, One L to be utilized more as a resource with easy-to-find posts and links. I’ve also started doing something I have never done, which is PLAN AHEAD. I’ve always just written blogs as they come to me, with things that inspire me or what I’m currently doing (ex: traveling, new apartments, etc.), but now I’m planning months and months worth of content ahead of time. While still keeping you up-to-date on what’s going on in my life šŸ˜‰.

Now you can have easy access to everything I use on a daily basis to my select gift guides and shopping hauls using any of the “SHOP” links. Or you can find specific blog posts using the “TAGS” tools. I went through ALL of my posts (all the way back to 2014) and re-tagged and categorized everything. Just hover over the “BLOG” button on the top menu page and you can find a breakdown of every category I write about. No more searching for “that one post from that one time,” now you should be able to find it within seconds! 

I just love this new look and I’m excited to show you the new Michele, One L!

 xoxo, Michele

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Michele, One "L". Theme by STS.